Friday, April 30, 2010

No Regrets, Just Get It Over With

I just was thinking how boring going to my grandma's house is, or even going some place I don't want to go. I just remembered you gotta love the way life is. My grandma looks like she is about to die soon and that's not something I'm looking forward to. I don't like going to her house, but I can't do anything about it. I also have to push myself into going to her house or even going anywhere because I am always thinking "What if grandma dies and you weren't there to at least stay there and comfort her" Before I regretted something like this. Before my grandpa died, I never wanted to go to the hospital to suffer. Then he died. I regretted it for a very long time because I never got to see him for one last time. My mom always wanted to go somewhere cool and I didn't want to go. Same thing I thought "Would if you can't go there ever again, won't you regret it?" After that my whole family came back bragging about how fun it was. That was when I regretted it. Well, basically what i'm saying here now is, never just stay home because you don't want to go, trust me. You will always regret it later on in life. Hopefully this message spoke to you in a way because this is a life lesson I learned, and maybe you can too.

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