Saturday, May 22, 2010


AgentSparky2k9…Wow I never knew he would ever come back. Hi everyone, and you may be asking: Who is AgentSparky2k9? Well, he is a very old and good friend and he quit months ago. He used to be named Sparkyrulz2 and he was very fun to hang out with. He was a very successful blogger and a very creative designer. I bet he still is a very good designer today! We always hung out on his chat Cytron on Xat and we had loads of fun with all of our/his friends. Things were easy going…until he quit. I don’t know exactly why he quit, but he deleted his old Twitter account and everyone was wondering why. He has never been seen/heard in MONTHS and everyone just moved on with their life. Today, my friends Shadow126 and SmallFry12 saw him on a program called MSN and they said he has changed. We all told them to say hi for us and I asked him to come on my chat, i50000Guy. He said no, but Shadow said I really wanted to talk to him. So, he came. I explained he should come back and that everyone missed him. I told him I wanted to talk to him every day like the old times. I told him I will be uber sad and so will other people too. He said: Well, Fine! I was surprised and we thought he was joking and then I saw another follower. I clicked Followers and saw AgentSparky2k9. He DID come back. I was so happy and Shadow, Small and I told EVERYONE to follow them. but sadly, only about 8 or 9 people listened. Well, I’m just very happy that he’s back and hope he will never quit until we all quit of something. I just wanted to make this post about Sparky and how great he is. See you later :D

The Weekend Lesson

Finally the weekend! There has been a lot going on this week that I missed because of the waiting, now here is my story. I have been waiting all this week for the weekend to come. By doing this I have learned something. I have learned that the more you want something, it’ll take longer until you finally have it. Instead of 1 week, it really seemed like 2 because of all the waiting until the weekend arrives. Now, I found out that wanting something more and more will affect your life a lot because you’re basically focusing on that one thing and not focusing on something else. I have been focusing on the weekend for a while now and I totally forgot to bring my P.E. clothes to school and also I forgot I only have 2 1/2 more days left of school. I realized how much time I have wasted by waiting for the weekend. I could have at least moved around when I came home but no, I just sat there watching TV as the time went on and waiting for the next day to arrive then end again. I have learned a valuable lesson and I have one more this to say, FINALLY It’s the weekend! And for today also, TGIF! The end of school on a Friday is the weekend for me. I don’t start on a Saturday, nope. I start on a FRIDAY! :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hello world!

Welcome to Blogger. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Bikini Atoll Bombing?

The Bikini Atoll bombing was fun to watch, but horrible for the Bikinians. They had to move away from their home island and they were sad, and even their chief said sadness was all over the island. So, you must be asking, Why are you posting about this? Well, in Humanities (Social Studies) we watched a video called "Radio Bikini" and first we saw the Japanese surrendering and the Americans won the World War II. They were hit by bombs and that's why they surrendered. Then they wanted to make a bigger version of what happened in Japan, so they decided to test it on Bikini Atoll. Then they moved all the Bikinians to a far away island in the Marshall Islands where Bikini Atoll is. They did 2 bomb tests and it looked cool, but I felt bad for the island becase it did SO much damage. There were ships with goats on it with Flash Burn to see how bad the damage was. And boy, was it BAD. Some of the animals died and more were badly burned. And also the ships were destroyed also! The sailors were checked to see if they were radio active and if they were, they had to wash off everywhere. Then they had to be checked again. The island was covered with "snow-like ash" that was radio active. And the Americans told the Bikinians it was poison. Dang, I feel so bad for you Bikini Atoll :(

Summer Is Near, Get Ready To Cheer!

Summer is nearly about 7 1/2 more days and I'm so excited because there will be no more school work for about 3 months, except the next grade's homework. Other then that, I'm sure all of you are happy that Summer is near, and hopefully your last school days will be a blast. Too bad we have a full 5 day week next week. (What A Bore!), and on the last day of school, we get to have PIZZA! Yum, and guess what? We get to bring our one drinks and everyone is excited about it. The best part is that only Team D of 7th grade has it so I bet the other children are jealous, haha. Next year I go to 8th grade and yes, I'm scared. 8th grade is like totally different from 7th grade. In 7th grade we get revisions which let's you make your grade better for an assignment and you get to turn in late work and still get credit, but for 8th grade, they don't have those options. I'm also excited for 8th grade because I get to start off fresh and not live this 7th grade life anymore. I get to hang out with my friends because of Summer and school just ruined the fun with friends and family. Man, time flies SO fast! I never knew how fast the school year was. I couldn't keep track of all the good and bad things that happened. Anyways, I hope I do good in 8th grade and then I can get ready for high school! I also wish luck to YOU to have a great summer and new school year! Happy Summer!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Which One Is It?

I've been thinking about like how people express their feelings about school and school breaks, especially long breaks. Well, every day I walk into a classroom with no teacher, I hear people saying "God, I hate school. Why can't it be summer already?" I also say that, too. But, when summer finally is here, everyone gets excited. And when it comes to the middle of summer break, on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, I look at all the posts and guess what? Most of them say "Summer is boring. I want school!" And that was the same person who said they wanted summer. And then I comment on the post saying like, I thought you hated school and wanted summer? Then they reply, Oh yeah about that... and they just delete the post after. So, I always think to myself, which one is it? School, Or Summer? I always remind my friends to just say if school or summer sucks. I mean like, it doesn't make any sense if you want summer, then school again. Well, here is my opinion: I hate both, but I don't comment on one or the other. I just say, Summer and school are both boring. But, I actually love Summer because you can just hang out with your friends a lot more and also there is no homework! I know summer is all boring, but admit it is better than school. Just remember: Think before you say. And always remember what you said before.

Friday, April 30, 2010

No Regrets, Just Get It Over With

I just was thinking how boring going to my grandma's house is, or even going some place I don't want to go. I just remembered you gotta love the way life is. My grandma looks like she is about to die soon and that's not something I'm looking forward to. I don't like going to her house, but I can't do anything about it. I also have to push myself into going to her house or even going anywhere because I am always thinking "What if grandma dies and you weren't there to at least stay there and comfort her" Before I regretted something like this. Before my grandpa died, I never wanted to go to the hospital to suffer. Then he died. I regretted it for a very long time because I never got to see him for one last time. My mom always wanted to go somewhere cool and I didn't want to go. Same thing I thought "Would if you can't go there ever again, won't you regret it?" After that my whole family came back bragging about how fun it was. That was when I regretted it. Well, basically what i'm saying here now is, never just stay home because you don't want to go, trust me. You will always regret it later on in life. Hopefully this message spoke to you in a way because this is a life lesson I learned, and maybe you can too.

Never Do A Mistake/Habit Like This

For the past year, I have been making very bad mistakes and making more habits. If you don't know what a habit is, it is something you keep on doing a lot. During school, I always plan on what I am going to be doing when I get home. I plan to do what homework to start and when. Turns out, the plans never worked out. I try to keep the plans simple, but I always change it when i get home. I always say to my parents "I am going to do my homework in 30 minutes!" Well, that 30 minutes passed and I was still playing some games on the computer. I thought to myself "Ehh, homework. big deal. i can finish it in like 30 minutes!" I kept on saying that and saying and and saying that. Then it was 6:00 I finally decided to start my homework. Turns out, the choices I made were bad. Then, it turned into a habit. I started doing my homework at like 5-6:00 every single school day. I always finish at like 9:00 which is way more then 30 minutes, more like 3 hours. I always got yelled at and soon I started never doing my homework and got yelled at more for missing assignments. Today, i want to make the right decision and do my homework on time and do it fully. I hope this really works out because I always said that, then never did what I planned like I said before. Just one little tip: Never Do A Mistake/Habit Like This. EVER. And if you already are doing this, then I recommend stop like I'm trying to do. this is like smoking and getting addicted and can't stopping. I have made some really bad decisions lately, and hope not to do it again.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Earth Day

What Did You Do For Earth Day? As you all know yesterday was Thursday which means it was Earth Day. If you don't know what Earth Day is a day where everyone from all over help the Earth in so much ways. I never did much, but I went walking around my neighborhood picking up trash from the ground after I came home from school. Then I watched Oprah to see what Oprah was doing to help the environment. I also found out some shocking news about what people do to dolphins in a place called "The Cove" in Japan. I also saw the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. It is a huge garbage patch full of trash that gathers in the Pacific and more places. This is why it is not good to leave trash on the ground, or in the oceans because it affects the marine life and humans a lot. Anyways I hope you did YOUR part in helping the Earth on Earth Day. Virtual Worlds have too. Thanks for reading!

Bejeweled for Facebook "Hack"

Hello Everyone,
My friend @codyonizuka recently found out a really cool, yet surprising hack/cheat for Bejeweled for Facebook! You must have Firefox because this is the only way it will work because it is an extension for it. First you must go to and follow the instructions. After that you can go and have fun beating your friends in Bejeweled on Facebook! be sure to follow Cody and I on Twitter! So what do you think about this? I think it's pretty cool!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

That Noise!

About 2 weeks or 3 weeks ago, a strange, odd, annoying, screeching sound came from a room in my house. I went exploring around the house and found it was coming from my bathroom's toilet! So, I opened up the top of it and it revealed some broken parts. I tried fixing it and figured out I made it worse. 2 days ago, I tried fixing it again. I removed some parts and switched some other ones. I then looked on the internet what a toilet should look on the inside. I just needed to attach another part and it seemed to work perfectly! It used to make that horrible noise after we flushed the toilet and it seemed my powerful magic worked! No more noise, so now I can talk to my friends and fans calmly and not get irritated by that noise and having to stop it. I just thought I should make this post because I had nothing else I could think of. Thanks for reading, if you did. See you next time!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hatred... is happening all over the world. But why would God create this word hatred? Does he want this Earth we survive on to suffer? I just despise hatred. Every day I walk around the streets of my city, fighting, murdering and more is going on. Can't we just all get along? If we all get along, this world we live on can be happy and peaceful and no wars can settle between these beautiful countries. No more suffering for food. No more homeless. Just a peaceful, happy Earth. Even online can be happy. Have you ever been hacked? When someone hacks you, this could probably be from hatred. And if hatred will be prevented, there will be no more depressed people, no more cyber bullying and more. Just a peaceful online world. I just made a poster saying "STOP HATRED" and today at school, it was shown on the morning announcements, but I doubt no one will try and prevent hatred from happening. If you can spread this picture that will be shown below, maybe all of us can be safe and happy in the online world and hopefully my poster could work for my school and city and maybe state. But I doubt it. Post this Twitter that is below to your Twitter, Facebook, Chat, Blog, ANYWHERE. And let us be heard.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone! Easter is about 2 days away from us, Hurray! I am so excited to gather with my family and have some Easter egg hunts! When my family does an Easter Egg hunt, there are so much money! There are mostly 5 dollar bills, and some have 10! Sometimes the Easter bunny comes and surprises the little children and it is cool to watch him have fun with the kids. And after I come home from having , I always come online and have more fun on Easter with my friends on online games such as Wiglington And Wenks, Minimonos and more! Anyways, Easter is the most religous day of the year, to most christians. It's the day Jesus arose from the dead. It's a festive holiday with spring colors, easter eggs, flowers, and bunnies. Easter has been celebrated, since at least, the fourth century and an annual celebration of the resurrection. Even when some churches did'nt accept some of the religous holidays, Easter has always been a special day for christians. I thought I should put that information there because it seemed really interesting for me. I also thought Christmas was the biggest holiday of the year because it is the birthday or Christ, but I was wrong! Also, leave me a comment saying what your favorite part of Easter is!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Gone For Too Long Or Just Getting Old?

My grandfather is a great man. He died just a few weeks ago at Queens Hospital. He is not the main part of this post. The main part is my dog, Hoku. Before I left for the hospital when I found out he was dying, I saw Hoku's tail was dangling. I was just wondering why it was dangling. Then I discovered the truth. Since my grandfather died 1 week after he entered the hospital, my dog Hoku never saw him during that one week. She was too used to seeing him smoking his cigarette while sitting in his usual chair. I believe since he was gone for about 1 week, Hoku thought to herself that something happened to him, and something did. Since we just brought his urn home yesterday, Hoku sensed that he came back or he gave her a sign. I now see her wagging her tail happily, but the wagging of her tail is not as high as before. There are two reasons why her tail is not wagging as high. The fact that my grandfather passed away, or the fact that she is getting older since she is 11 years old in dog years. I will keep updating this post or keep adding new posts to see if her wagging gets higher, or lower. So tell me what you think about this. Just say one answer, is Hoku getting too old? Or is she just missing my grandfather? In other news, I have just watched the Blog wars Movie or whatever it's called on Disney Channel. I know Disney is not my usual TV channel to watch but, this movie should increase my blogging skills. I will also use a Thesaurous to also increase my blogging skills. Anyways that's all for today.

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Dinner Of A Lifetime, きわみ Restaurant

Yesterday night was a blast. I went to Waikiki to eat at a wonderful Japanese restaurant. It was called きわみ(KiWaMi). It is a ramen restaurant and their food are delicious! is their official website. When my family takes a trip to Waikiki to shop, we always go to きわみ! I always order my favorite Mini Shoyu Ramen. It is small, but it fills your stomach fully! Here is a picture:
Wow, looking at this picture makes me want some more ramen. They are so kind to you and they also bow to you sometimes! If you don't know what bowing is, it is a way for Japanese people to respect another! If you ever come to Honoulu, be sure to walk your way down to きわみ! If you go, you might be abe to meet me also, hehe. Tell me what you think in a comment!